
By Grammy

Fall Asters

What a fine day we’ve had, well me anyway. The weather was perfect, overcast with a slight breeze and temps in the high 60°s F. We scheduled our annual heating and air systems’ preventative maintenance for early this morning. We were up and ready when they arrived. As expected, both of our systems are in great shape. I gathered up items I stored before the storm and put them back up outside. My sister suggested I spray my plants with some eco friendly product to deter the cabbage whites from eating the leaves. Done. There were tomatoes to be picked. Done. I walked out to look at the a/c units. Not more than six grass seeds had sprouted and spread to cover the entire ground between the units. It’s all clean again. Decided to check out the formal garden. Our largest circular bed also had that terrible spreading grass. It’s gone now. There were a few last minute hospitality tasks upstairs: put out towels, paper cups, etc for the guests. Done. I ironed the doilies and put them back on the furniture. I know that is old fashioned but they are so dainty I just have to use them. After lunch, I cleaned the kitchen after emptying the dishwasher. I was not totally happy with my aster photo so I took another couple before starting other projects. These are such cute little flowers. And hubby? Our DIL gave him a monitor to watch Millie when we are not at home. He has been trying for days to set it up to no avail. He’ll say he’s giving up and then a few hours later, tries something else. The monitor’s technology appears to be one generation before our current WiFi system. But it should be able to connect at the lower speed. He contacted both companies for ideas. Tried them, still did not connect. So frustrating! He took a break before lunch and went to the convenience center to get rid of our trash and recycling. He’s vacuuming at the moment. We have tons of leftovers so dinner will be easy. Sure hope your day was as productive as mine. Stay safe. Thanks so much for your visits to my recent journal entries. “The aster has not wasted spring and summer because it has not blossomed. It has been all the time preparing for what is to follow, and in autumn it is the glory of the field, and only the frost lays it low.” - HENRY WARD BEECHER

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