
By Grammy

Rainy, Lazy Sunday

I woke up in the middle of the night thinking about Skylar’s gastro issues. She has been to several doctors in as many years including a hospital stay but they cannot get a diagnosis. She gets to her first class late or like Friday, went with a 102.5° fever. I devised a journal sheet she can use to record everything she eats and drinks and the results to her body. Now all I need is for her to faithfully follow it. Her mom is making an appointment with the doctor I use at the beginning of Sky’s next break. Having that journal may show a certain trend. Since I was awake, I got up at 6, showered and we went to 7:00 am Mass. These bright red Celosia flowers caught my eye at church. I snapped a shot as we left after Mass. It was drizzling and has continued to do so all day. Everything sure looks fresh and green. We needed breakfast food; we went shopping after Mass. Hubby got me a breakfast biscuit so I didn’t fill the cart (never shop on an empty stomach). I finished two loads of laundry and puttered around the house. My sister and BIL stopped by with soup for hubby and fresh apple cake for both of us. I shared my whole wheat French loaf with her. We checked the garden. You can actually see the lettuce, kale and beets have grown in two days. After lunch, I tried to read your journals. Woke up at 5:00 pm. Sorry. Hubby organized his GoPro videos that he takes when he and our BIL go out on their ATVs - boys and their toys. Renee sent dinner (and several additional meals) so I’ll make a vegetable and we are set (if we even get hungry). I needed this down day because I am sure the coming week will be busy. Our mother turns 95 on Thursday. My sister and our hubbies are taking her out to dinner. My kids, their spouses, grands, sister, BIL are then coming over for cake and ice cream that evening. Sure hope your weekend went well. Thanks for dropping by. Stay safe. “Rain is nature’s way of washing the world clean.” – William Shakespeare

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