Europe by van Day 19

It rained during the night but thankfully all the coverings kept us dry. Mr C made some adjustments in the morning.

It’s going to be a long 2 days till we know if the boat-builder can help make the van drivable. Too much of the roof had gone now for plastic to help.

We had a walk around the village which was a mixture of very rundown and some gentrified houses. Then we went out to the wetlands. We saw some sprightly little frogs and a giant snail. There were dykes forming flood defences and many wooden bridge walkways till we came to a more open bit of water which had some pleasure boats moored up. A road ran along one of the dykes. There was a race of some length going on and we could hear hooters and music from the distance where the end must have been.

We found a shop and got some bread and pasta to keep us going, returning to the van just as the rain came on. It’s very heavy now. I hope all our measures to keep it out work. It’s quite nerve-wracking. Thank you all for your kind messages of support.

This is one of the runners on the dyke

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