Really quite dangerous

I always go to work on a Monday, huge long days which as Will pointed out the other day, takes me ages to come home from. It is never a day I work at home or rarely take off.

Today though, I worked at home for half the day and then spent the rest of the time skipping about, visiting Benelia for coffee, collecting Will from school. This was to make up for the fact that this Friday, my normal day off will be taken up with travelling back from my flying visit to Romania.

I quite liked it, it has made me wonder what my life would be like if I had a different job where I just worked at home for school hours. No one is actually offering me a job like that though, so I will just have to keep on wondering.

The roses are all out all of a sudden. Loads of them!

Tomorrow, my journal will go international for the first time. It's the global market, doncha know.....

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