ArcLight's fuchsia

ArcLight gave me a baby fuchsia bush last year. It's doing very well, as can be seen here.

I've done well today considering that I only managed four hours of sleep last night. After our trip to the gym together, my friend Karen joined me for lunch at the kitchen table with Mr hazelh. When Karen left, I planted the wallflowers that I bought at the Mayfield garden centre in Kelso yesterday, taking care not to disturb the many baby frogs in the flower beds. Then I came indoors to deal with online admin - some personal, some work-related.

Last night when I couldn't sleep I finished reading Where the crawdads sing. We're going to see if we can find the film of the book on a streaming service to watch after supper.

Exercise today: 45 minutes on the exercise bike; pilates class; swim (30 lengths); walking (12,784 steps).

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