Under the hedgerow

I'm sorry - I know I posted a pumpkin a couple of days ago - but those ones are all soup now, and this one and one other are so beautiful.   They are getting bigger and bigger every day. 

We took a run up last night- we are still watering the tomatoes every two days.   They are turning red, but very slowly. 

Slugs had been in at the newly planted Cabbages and Caulis so we laid more slug pellets.  I pulled one of my "baby sweetcorn".  The plant is as big as the main corn crop, but there are three or four corn cobs on each stalk.  I  didn't know the rules about pulling them So i googled, and it said "pull while the tassels are still pink".  So I did. 

Only one.  

But it is definitely a baby sweet corn.  

See my extras! 

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