By lizzie_birkett

Birthday Girl!

Bella May (posh name today) is 7 today.
She’s had a great day on various beaches. She is not normally a playful dog and can be unfriendly to other girl dogs but today she was not on the lead on the beach and she met and sniffed lots of dogs - male and female and got on well with them all, much tail wagging! I’ve always said being on the the lead makes her more wary and growly.
We also went to Whitley Bay where we got drenched  - my waterproof is not as waterproof as I thought. It’s a Seasalt coat so I expected better.
I wanted to go to Spanish City, a beautiful white domed building which had fallen into disrepair and last time we were here there was hoarding all around it. Now it has been brought back to its former glory and is a restaurant. I went inside to have a look and it was nice but not as elaborate as I expected. https://spanishcity.co.uk/
Back at the hotel later we had a delicious salad and chips for tea and I had a vegan Pavlova with strawberry sorbet, fresh strawberries and non dairy cream. Yummeee!

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