Bart Fair

We once did a production of Johnson’s Bartholomew Fair at University, in an outdoor theatre so I am delighted to see it return after 890 years.  Shame it couldn’t have been the full 900,  maybe I’d have heard something about it. 

You can tell that a late night tube blip means that either nothing caught my eye or i forgot during the more interesting parts of the day.  

A day in the office doing the usuals, N in so we had some good catching up.  Lunch with a friend who works at Disney catching up on how things are there - better than all the rumours it would appear. 

In the evening I went to a screening of Alice Troughton’s film The Lesson.  Alice directed Baghdad Central for us so it was good to catch up.  The film was directed with her characteristic sensitivity and good storytelling and lovely to hear the response.  It was in a venue that was nice and near my office but that was so impossible to find that maps kept telling me I’d arrived but I couldn’t see anything.  So i missed the opening, which I found out reading the reviews, had a framing device which set up the end.   Stayed over in the hub in West Brompton, v convenient for the tube but annoyingly on the Wimbledon branch of the district line so slower than might have been.  

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