A Disaster In Progress

The meal deliveries went fine (if slightly damp) - slightly quicker than normal. You can always tell when the schools are on holiday (very little traffic).

I started gilding the piece I made yesterday. It needs something to cover up the rubbish wood it is made from.
Unfortunately, the gilding medium is absolute rubbish. "Brush on and leave for 15 minutes until tacky"........ It goes on and is dry in 5 minutes and doesn't appear to go through a sticky phase. It is going to need another application and with it having a 'design' in it I am not sure how it is going to look.

The 2nd project I have decided on is a sgian dubh (having found the one remaining blade) - but I haven't fully committed to the handle ... it may be the Zebra wood (in the extras box) or it may be an antler tip (if I can find it and it is big enough).

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