
By bananablip

Did it

(Warning: boring run chat, mostly here for my own record)

I spent most of yesterday worrying about my back. Lots of pills, hot-water bottles and a hot bath. Mostly just really annoyed that after putting weeks into the training, everything had gone wrong a day or two before the race. It wasn’t the most fun day.

This morning I woke up still sore, a bit worried but very determined. The plan was to run a mile and if it wasn’t disastrous to keep on going. It was painful for the first seven miles or so and then eased off. The sub-2 was within reach for most of the race and then at mile 11 my legs, which must have been over compensating, just totally stiffened up and I slowed right down. I had a determined mile at 12 where I just ran through the pain in a last minute attempt to get under but just missed out.

I crossed the line, had a little cry, got my medal and then realised my watch was still just under a half marathon so had to run up the hill like an idiot to make sure strava recorded it! Strava records it as 2.01.29 but I’m totally taking the chip time of 2.00.33!

Gutted, because I think that without the injury I could have nailed it. Also gutted that it’s the third super important (to me) run that has been hampered by injury.

But on the bright side no more pavements!!!! I am so done with roads, so totally and utterly bored. I’ve got a date with Eva and the Long Mynd on Saturday and I cannot wait!

Much love to my lovely running community who made today wonderful. There were joyful / painful / momentous moments for a lot of people today and it was ace to do it together.

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