Funny Sunday

Today has been all about getting bits of jobs done and finishing a few jobs off so we can get a bit of time next week to fit in visits to the solicitors and a few other things.
So I have finished potting the primroses, mowed the lawns and helped move some of the furniture out of the kitchen.
Helen has had a day finishing off clearing out the kitchen ready for work to start replacing it with a new one tomorrow.In the extra a temporary kitchen has been set up in the office and the office has now been moved into the small sitting room.We hope the new kitchen will be complete by the middle of October.
Luckily Becky was on hand to help us move the big Welsh Dresser.

We still have swallows flying around but the geese have started to arrive in large numbers now.When I go to see my Mum in the early evenings we have plenty of bats flying about.

A mainly overcast day and still mild at about 21C.

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