End of a long week...

...for the kids. They've both coped so well with their big changes.
I had some time with one of the homeless friends this morning. He's trying to get his stolen passport reissued, not easy for him at all... The Italian consulate have him jumping through many many hoops. It was good to see him, he'd just been for a shower at our centre in San An.
Danny took the kids swimming after school whilst I had my Deep Dive Discussion group... This month everyone had been thinking over 'influence'... So interesting how we'd taken the word and concept in different ways and listened to or read varied things. A really fascinating time with the group.
Home and I felt wiped out. I'm feeling better but not right if that makes sense?!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Feeling better.
2) The kids doing so well at school. My friend is a florist so I went and got the kids a little 'well done' posey for their room.
3) Stimulating conversation with interesting people... The conversation around influence was fascinating.

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