
We slept in this morning after yesterday’s labor intensive activities. I didn’t do much at all today. Cleaned the kitchen after making hubby French toast for breakfast. We picked all the tomatoes and sweet peppers, throwing out the spoiled ones that gathered while we were away. It looks like my sedum may be in its prime so decided to use it today. It was a gift from my sister last year. I always benefit from her and her neighbors’ flower thinning activities. This afternoon, I sat on the front porch trying to catch up on my daily prayer book. The last few days I got side tracked on tasks. The weather is perfect, temps in the low 70s°F and just enough breeze. Our weekend forecast is expected to be more of the same. My son sent a video of the 8-10 foot swells in the Atlantic from the hurricane. The captain says he expects things to get worse before they reach port. They are scheduled to dock in Norfolk early tomorrow morning. Will be relieved when he pulls back in his driveway safely. Skylar just arrived home for the weekend. She’s already learned “there’s no place like home” after only a few weeks at college. Love it. Hubby cleaned our two bird houses, replaced the solar light on our flag pole before heading out to run errands. He visited my mother while he was out. It’s the weekend folks. Enjoy some restful time and find something fun to take up the remaining hours. Thanks for stopping by with hearts, stars and nice comments. Be safe.
across garden stones I hop
sun shining,
sedum blooms unfurl
some pink, some pearl”. - Nikki Pruitt

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