
Smithers was discharged from hospital at lunchtime, and we’ve been back again there this evening to see the surgeon, who wanted to give him another check over. Smithers is doing well, but is very tired.

As for me, I’ve been looking back over the traumatic events of the past two weeks and marvelling at the different ways in which I’ve been shown wonderful kindness when I most needed it.

It was fantastic to have my eldest son’s partner drop everything to drive up from Winchester to be with me as soon as Smithers was admitted to hospital after the night spent in A & E. It was equally fantastic to have the support of all our family and church family in their usual loving way. However, I was also very touched by the kindness of all sorts of other people too.

When Smithers was so long in theatre for his first eye operation, a lovely housekeeper in the hospital saw I was in tears and gave me a wonderful hug and then went to find out any news she could for me. All the nursing, cleaning and catering staff went out of their way to do whatever they could for us, always with a smile. The surgeon has been incredibly attentive and supportive and more than once has driven miles in the opposite direction to his home to come and check on his patient at the end of a long outpatients clinic at another nearby hospital.

And then tonight, when we got home from hospital for the umpteenth time, this beautiful card was in the small pile of post that arrived today. It’s from a fellow blipper with whom I feel I have a special and treasured rapport, and it contained some very encouraging and sustaining words for me. “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9. 

I have certainly felt very weak in recent days, both in my faith and in my energy levels. But I know I have been sustained by the love and prayers and acts of kindness shown to me by so many lovely people, and I am so grateful.

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