Day off

When I knew I had a rare day off looking after O, I suggested to Mr C that he took a day off too.  We decided to go into town and use our English Heritage cards to visit part of Westminster Abbey,  the chapter house and Pyx chapel.  We would have liked to visit the rest of the Abbey but at £27 each we felt it was a bit steep.

After, we walked down Whitehall and visited the National Portrait Gallery to see the Paul McCartney exhibition.  Photos he took between December ‘63 and February ‘64 as Beatlemania took hold.  We also took in the Yevonde exhibition, a female London  photographer who was a pioneer for colour photos.  Both really interesting exhibits.

From all the walking around we both needed a sit down and found a pub to sit outside.  As we waited to be served a lady approached Mr C and apologised for interrupting us but wondered where she had seen him….on tv!  :-D  Made his day lol.  Anyway, the waiter never appeared so we moved on to Covent Garden and grabbed a drink in the Punch & Judy.  We ended our day with a disappointing Mexican before heading home.  

A good day and a few extras.

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