
Small bowl has a regular resident at the moment. Good excuse for not cleaning it or weeding around it! They seem to like under the strawberry plants to hide. I've lifted many of the plants over the last few years but this corner beside the water bowl, which used to have a wee solar fountain, still has a few plants, weeds & fern that shades it from full sunlight.

Every water bowl seems to have duckweed so the birds must have been batheing in it too.

Tidy up after yesterday & garden bin out.

Sorted thru old small pots & thru out broken cracked ones. Dithered about the big plastic pot as a big crack on the bottom but bravely put it to go out too. Doesn't owe me anything as it came from Mum's garden. The other big pot I've put in the corner with last of veg seeds. It's got a small crack in the bottom too so may get a couple of years out of it if not moved full.

Bright flower has opened today. Must have been one of the mixed bulbs planted.

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