Ben More and basalt

A beautiful day and another fabulous walk.
We took the short ferry journey to Ulva and walked through the woods onto open moorland and then down to the coast and several deserted townships. The extra is of Ormaig, the biggest we passed, and (on a nice day) in a stunning setting -  probably not so good in a gale!
The furthest point was a cemetery at about 4 miles and  that was where the good track ended.
We returned part way and then branched off down to the coast on a rougher path and lots of interest, including the fine basalt columns in the main pic. Across the water there were constant views of shapely Ben More, hidden the last couple of days. It's a Munro and, as you might imagine, a hard slog from sea level, we've been up twice before so won't be doing it again this visit!
Back at the ferry we had tea and cake, went to the wee museum and then got the ferry back. On the other side we met Treshnish who was videoing, with drone, sheep being transferred from boat to trailer.
A slow drive back and lazing since

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