Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

and another EB!

I woke to a phone call from a neighbour. I'd dropped the church magazine off to him yesterday and the back of the envelope which I put it into was completely covered in notes and figures. He was calling to see if I needed it. I had been using it to note down travel insurance info, the front of the envelope was completely clear so I hadn't noticed. Oops!
The next phone call was from my dentist offering an appointment this afternoon instead of at the end of next week , I'd asked for a cancellation if one came in. I needed to have a repair done to my very back tooth and it would be so much easier before the implants go in front of it. T
his all meant a quick rise and coffee before heading off to Meadowbank. Not very convenient but a very good NHS practice so worth hanging on to .
I don't think I've ever had so much anaesthetic, two to the outside of the gum beside the relevant tooth, one to the inside of the gum, one to the roof of my mouth and one to the tooth in front. They worked though, I never felt a thing. My heart sank when I see realised it was a 50 minute appointment, but all went smoothly. The next stage of my implants is in two weeks, progress at last since the extractions and placing of the posts in May.
After the dentist, I came home and settled into a cooking frenzy for us and the girls. I now have 2kg of bolognaise, 1kg of chicken casserole and 750g of sausage casserole taking up space in the fridge. I was so worn out that I went down to M&S and got some Indian food to heat up quickly for us before quiz night. We were both on good form tonight.
I was heading for an early night when I realised I was blipless so I offer my lovely yellow orchid. It has put out two new flower shoots and the first flower on each has just opened today they are an extraordinarily bright colour combination.. One of my purple orchids has just opened its first new flower too. It is satisfying when they put out new shoots and you realised you haven't killed them after all!

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