
By StephenF

Project planning

The project being to clear out what we call the summerhouse, sand down and restain the external walls and roof, and get an electrician to install an electrical supply. The idea is that it can then be used as a garden office by my daughter, Jen, who currently works from a desk on the landing. For the moment, the garden chair is a greater pull than starting work on the project itself!  Jen returned today from the weekend Boogietown Festival at Walton-upon-Thames, not a place I would normally associate with such an event but she had a good time with lots of dancing, laughs and a few dramas. The highlight of my day was to go for my arm to be redressed by the nurse practitioner at the GP surgery. The good news is that the wound has closed but it is still quite swollen and I've also got bruising coming through on the underside of the arm. The nurse thought it best to put another dressing on and I still need to take it easy with the arm and use cold compresses to get the swelling down.

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