Beside the water...

....of the Liverpool dock looking at the Liver building.

We had just been to explore  Tate Liverpool.  First we went to see the Turner exhibition.  There were some interesting sketch books as well as some lesser know works.

Some of my favourite works were:
Paul Klee - Burdened children1930 - According to Klee drawing is taking a line for a walk

Contradanza 2023 - A piece by Fatima Rodrigo Gonzales.  Sewn and beaded.  A fabulous piece.

Cumulus 1990 - Tony Cragg - Glasses and bottles of all shapes and sizes stacked high.  All had been sandblasted giving them a milky glow.  Partly alluding to the cottonwool puffiness of cumulous clouds typical of summer skies.

They are in wrong order in extras!!

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