More Lovely Late Summer Weather

A delightful high of 79F/26.1C this afternoon. I went for a nice hike at the Arboretum this morning with my ex - pleasant to spend the time with him (and then go home to my house!). We did stop by his house, which unfortunately has not sold yet. Apparently the interest rate increase softened the house buying market and it's taking a while. At any rate, I walked through the old gardens - always a joy to see how well they're still doing, almost a year later. Today I felt sad too...maybe I'm finally at a place where I can be sorry about the loss of the marriage and all of the associated bits instead of angry or grieving. It's all a process isn't it? 

Anyway, the dahlias are beautiful in the old garden and this one, if my memory serves me well, is "Go Go Pink and Yellow" (a rather strange name) - a stunner I think. Many many photos of this sweet girl!

This morning when I pulled the drapes in my huge living room picture window open, I could see immediately that a creature had visited during the night and stomped all over my deck furniture. A raccoon no doubt. Apparently they're partying on my neighbor's deck too and we may have to ask the guy that traps and releases these animals to come for a visit. We do not need them settling down for the winter under someone's deck....eeek.

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