Looking for Ringo

It was the first Loughborough bell festival today. See a portrait of the lady whose idea it was in the extras.

A large willow plaited bell (see extra) had been paraded through Loughborough and prayers were said and a speech made by the mayor. We just went along for the Morris dancing and music on the bandstand from the Hathern Band.

Of course, it began to rain just as we arrived in Queens Park but largely speaking, spectators weren't deterred. We had umbrellas.

As I was leaving, I came across this gent trying to entice an animal out of the bottom of his mobility scooter. To me it looked like a mouse but the lady in the photo on the left told me it was the gent's pet lizard. He moved the bottom part of the scooter to the grass, but it still wouldn't come out.

Of course the rugby has been on TV.

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