
By TheHairyPict


A full day's game drive round Masai Mara today --- got so many good pictures it's hard to choose. This is a cheetah that was eating a kill, a jackal was watching intensely about 50 or 100 yards away and as soon as the cheetah got up and walked away the jackal  was in like a flash to grab what was left (see extra) and scurry back to safety to eat it's prize at leisure. 

A second extra is two male elephants with their trunks entwined --- we were told they were fighting, but it all seemed quite leisurely and calm.
There is also a close-up of a male lion that was sitting in the road about 15 feet away, totally ignoring the cloud of 4WD vehicles surrounding him, and two hippos fighting in the Mara river.

The Mara river is a crossing point for the famous migration of millions of wildebeest and zebra that circles round the Serengeti annually, and this is the time of year when they cross here, but apparently they went through a few weeks early this year and we missed the actual crossing, though there were many wildebeest on the north side of the river.

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