
By TheHairyPict

Vervet Monkey

These are cheeky little fellas ---- if they take against you they drop things on you from the trees above!  We had a tour round a local Maasai village this afternoon with a demonstration of some traditional practices --- such as lighting a fire using sticks and crushed zebra dung as firelighter (see extra).  They did light a fire and they do wear the traditional blanket dress, and the men all carry a stick, but I'm sure they use matches these days to light fires.  They also gave us a demonstration of spear throwing: some young men threw spears at an acacia tree about 10 feet away, and missed half the time   --- a bunch of lads playing with spears really.  The Maasai are known for maintaining their traditional nomadic lifestyle, but it's hard to know how many traditional practices still survive.

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