Kerry Appaloosa! Kerry day 1

Just back from an amazing few days in Kerry. We travelled up on a sweltering day - 26C - and in a leisurely fashion, first stopping in Kenmare for the obligatory excellent coffee and croissant at Maison Gourmand. The driving was quiet and incredibly scenic and we leapt in and out of the car here and there and enjoyed an ice cream and paddle on Inch beach before going for the full immersion at Ventry - blissful.
We were staying in Ballyferriter in a former barracks - actually a large blue house rather beautifully decorated in shabby chic style. After an excellent and early supper of pizzas we decided to walk to a nearby early ecclesiastical settlement which may or may not have a well. Unfortunately we turned left instead of right and ended up doing a massive circuit - wonderful views but we managed to stagger home just before dark and very weary. We were most definitely not wearing the right gear. We did meet this rather charming spotty chap on the way though. 

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