
…little pic’s



so i think i was - about 5 or 6 - when my grandma - came to live with - us for a bit - we were a large - family already living in - a rather small house - so this made things - quite challenging as i recall - but she’d broken her hip - needed help and that’s - what family does - it fills the gap - steps up when there’s - a need; at least that’s - typically what i remember - about my family - we always made things work - no matter the stretching - it would take - or how uncomfortable the situation - might become, you simply - made do; it’s how it was

and so with grandma - she brought with her - a handful of possessions - that in turn somehow - ended up in my hands - over the years - these two little plaques - being among them - they were a couple - of her very favorites - always on her dresser - in plain sight as - though she wanted a - reminder of who abba was - and what her response - was to be towards him

as a christ follower these - are beautiful tiny pokes - just one glance at them - tells me of an amazing - love abba has for me - and with that love - to walk with him - or abide in him - for me, that makes it…


happy day…..

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