Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Day 14 Mayia, Kiotari Rhodes

Time to go home and what a fantastic holiday we've had once again in this beautiful place.  We had an early swim after breakfast and then went and packed and cleared out of our room. This is the worst part for me so this year we had bikes as something to do while waiting for the flight. We went for a very hot bike ride and then I had a final swim while Chris stayed in the shade and read his book. 
We showered in the spa, ate a quick tea and were ready for the arrival of our taxi to take us to the airport. Thankfully, he was a safer driver but he talked to us the whole way about politics, sport etc etc! The flight was an hour and a half late but we were exhausted and cross about being kept waiting for our luggage in Manchester as it took nearly 2 hours after we landed! They can certainly learn from Rhodes airport about being efficient!

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