Feathers and Aduro

Our two cats (named by the grandkids) have been especially needy today. Aduro woke us early with loud miaowing, so we ended up locking her out (really needed more sleep), she then proceeded to scratch the steel door, and miaow even louder. Gave up in the end. 

This is them accompanying me on my solitary walk down to the Lake. So good seeing a shimmer of green from the rain on Saturday.

Mike was busy trying to sort the car, which has failed to start a couple of times, including in the supermarket carpark in Reguengos. A few burly men came running to help when they saw me pushing it, which was helpful.

- both of us hearing God speak clearly
- getting unpacked and loads of washing done, hung, and put away dry, including the gorgeous orange linen dress I wore to the wedding; did that one by hand, as well as scrubbing my ancient rucksack
- finding out we don't need to get up crack of dawn tomorrow

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