
Today would have been Mum and Dad’s 68th wedding anniversary. This is taken outside Blackford Church and mum’s cousin Sandy Cowper who was a photographer took the photos and this is his daughter Sandra giving over the lucky horseshoe. I found this while clearing out her flat.

Today was not a good day either. Anyway that’s just for my writings.

I found this cut out from a newspaper in amongst my Mum’s stuff.

‘When we were married, they told us we were one,
But they never told us what to do,
When half of one is gone.
What do you do with half a life, or half a will to care?
What do you do with half a heart, now the other half’s not there?
You were the other half of me, a heart linked to my own,
What do I do with half a life, now I am on my own.?’

On the other side was written in her writing ‘very true’.

But the flip side of this poem, Mum had 21 years on her own after Dad died. Obviously missed him so much, but she carved out a life here in Perth with us nearby, for 17 of these years. A strong woman.

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