Urban Face

A long day, but home at last, at 10:30pm, after over three weeks away, in very different locations. Both cats look fine, and garden looks like it's rained, electricity and water both working, great!

After leaving Sintra, visited colleagues who'd been unable to be at the Retreat, as she'd suddenly been called in for an operation she'd been waiting for. We put their address in Google Maps, but ended up in a completely different part of their avenue, or something, who knows? So, passed this face three times - this was out the car window on the third time. Found them in the end, and what was to be a quick sick visit ended up being several hours of listening to their struggles. Good we went!

- getting back safely and everything looking fine, thanks to Jaime
- being able to listen to M and L, and pray for them
- good home-cooked dinner (mixed grill, chips and rice) with a third of a bottle of decent red each and a basket of good bread and olives, plus coffee, for just €9, 50 each, served by an amazing looking guy (wish I'd had the courage to take his photo!) - will miss this if we ever go back to England to live

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