Mist tae da Aest

A beautiful sunny day, warm 18⁰c in the shade, 20+ in the sunshine, calm too.  Clear tonight, but windy.

I wasn't feeling myself last night, woke this morning feeling hellish.  Mostly cold like symptoms, a god awful headache and dizzy spells when I stand up, coughing, hot flushes. I still had some old covid tests, turns out I'm positive.  Hopefully it'll pass quickly and get back to work.  A day feeling sorry for myself on the sofa.  I ventured into the garden now and again, hoping it would help, it did the opposite.  A quiet night cuddled up with Sammy. 

Just typical, the sun comes back to play, and I'm stuck indoors for the day.  We've been basking in glorious sunshine all day, sadly not the same story for other parts of Shetland.  The East and South coasts get hit hard with sea haar, and I could see it drifting over the hills.  Social media posts had Lerwick steekit (pea soup), meanwhile, I had this beautiful view.  Mist rolling over the Clift Hills, taken from Hawthorn Cottage, Houl Road, Scalloway.  

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