Rainy Day Detour

A fairly wet and windy morning, cloudy and poor visibility all day.  A drier afternoon, but more showers this evening, and much calmer.  Oddly warm all day too.

A quiet morning, before setting off for another late shift in the airport.  I was working with oil and gas flights in the morning, avoiding the showers, and then on the check-in desk in the afternoon and evening.  Due to crew sickness, we had to stay late for delays on the last Aberdeen flight.  A fine walk with Sammy, before bed.

I took a detour this morning, as I forgot milk for my grub box (packed lunch).  I had hoped for a quick look around too, maybe catch something inspirational, but no, just a damp looking road and houses.  Hopefully it's not winter coming early! Taken outside Midway Stores, Levenwick. 

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