Rodger and the Chicken

Today's the day ....................... to dig

A perfect day for Week 3 of the Dig - warm and sunny but with a nice breeze to keep things comfortable.  The trenches are shaded by trees for the most part which also helps.

The lovely (and very enthusiastic) owners of the ground where we are digging keep hens, that wander freely in the garden - and understandably have been used to having the place all to themselves. But, they have taken to the arrival of four trenches in the lawn with gusto because they have provided an unexpected supply of juicy worms and other treats.

Well, it's either that - or perhaps they are genuinely interested in the possibility of finding a medieval nunnery and all that that might mean?  At any rate, the one above is taking a real interest in anything that Rodger might find - and perhaps offering some helpful hints.  You can see what Rodger has uncovered in the extra.  It is indeed looking promising, with stones that have been cut and laid in their present position.

It's all very exciting - and not just for the hens .....................!


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