In the dog house

Scout had her first really big telling off, sent to bed and not spoken too for some time. :(
She decided she really thought it was far too much fun chasing the dog despite its yelps of fright and she would not come back to me. She chase it right down the path, through the gate and across the drive. The only reason they didn’t end up on the busy road was because the other dog managed to turn and flee back to its owner. Scout in hot persist thinking it was all a game.
She seemed to get the message and actually knew she was in trouble! (Something that hasn’t happened so far)
At home she went straight to bed when told and only needed reminding to stay put when Cathie came home and then when the cheese box was opened. That was a real hard test!
But she did it. Staying in her bed while we ate dinner in the other room.
I then went through and made my peace with her. :(. She’s such a sweet girl, it was as much a hard test for me as her. :(
Here’s hoping she is able to connect being in trouble with not responding to me. And here’s hoping she doesn’t chase like that again towards dangerous places.

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