Though this is designed to shelter us from the sun, I was rather wishing it was finished to shelter me from today's downpours. I started building it yesterday - and had four of the six posts in the ground then. Today just two posts to do and the top. That was finished off after the first downpour of the day - which had me scurrying upstairs to check for leaks - and before the second. The third (and heaviest) was while I was in the garden centre, where the noise of the rain on the outdoor hanger made small children scream in fright and run inside.
This evening has seen a snail/slug hunting expedition in the garden - the rain seems to bring them out before dark - and will shortly see me behind the ironing board again. The kids, meanwhile, have had a lazy mostly-indoors day - watching Harry Potter and mixing up all sorts of potions currently dotted around the house in all my baking bowls. At least I'll have an answer when they ask why there are no biscuits in the box.
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