
Along the hedgerows, especially where the ivy is in flower, Red Admirals in abundance.  I was surprised to read that they are principally a migrant as it seems to be one of our common butterflies.  They can live up to ten months but don't usually survive British Winters.  Perhaps here in the mild west some do.  Beautiful in their freshness today. 

A quiet day at home until a bramble picking walk with Meg, tea at Jamie's and singing tonight.   Too hot to do much outside but I did get two loads of laundry dry outside, the breeze aiding very speedy drying.  A consignment of seeds and small bulbs arrived from the South African Bulb Group exchange.  I can grow less hardy bulbs more easily here in Wales than I could in Norfolk.  There's a wealth of unusual and often very beautiful things to try ... I will share them here in future no doubt.   Fun to try new things :-)   We're building quite a list if possible songs for the group across a range of genres.  Although we've identified a few to work on now, it will take a while to work out which we can best perform.  Think we'll have some fun along the way whatever the outcome.

More brambling tomorrow now I have found a rich seam of good berries :-)

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