River of Flowers

By doffy

Tuesday: Speckled Wood & Runner Bean Flowers

Very warm and sunny but a stiff breeze from the east too, which was lovely in a sheltered spot :-)

I had a few hours of family history this morning, returning to distant family from Moelfre - I have 4 DNA cousins who share a branch of the tree but no idea how they’re related to me …!

Could not believe the number of butterflies in the garden this afternoon, mostly Speckled Wood and a few White butterflies too, very difficult to get close enough to take a photo - I still haven’t got used to my new phone :-((

Picked 3 small courgette to make pakoras for tea, MrD had been out on his motorbike in mid-Wales all day and he enjoyed something slightly different for tea :-))

Courgette count up to 13 now from the 3 plants, with a number of tiny fruit for future pickings maybe.

Lots of birds in the garden today: Blackbirds feeding on the ripe Cotoneaster berries behind the garage, bluetits on the elderberries, a Thrush rooting under the elderberry tree, house sparrows, Dunnock and wrens up in the apple tree - so nice to see them all :-))

Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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