Gala Day

And the sun shone. If you ever look back through my journal you will spot that the second Saturday in June is village gala day and usually accompanied by hefty downpours!

The dog show was the main event this year. Poppy did not dress up. Nor did she win on the dog with the wasggliest tail category!

The day hit crisis point at around 3pm when the beer ran out! They obviously weren't expecting the crowds! Order was restored and the masses soothed by an emergency trip to the cash and carry!

Loads of pics but I rather liked this one of the nursery children starting their race.

Young jake did not enter the hill race this year - a belly full of candy floss, coke and burger is not the diet of an athlete.

Speaking of athletes...good luck JB in your fourth and final moonwalk in Edinburgh. We will be thinking of you and the huge effort you have put in for a fab cause xxx

P&s go large and see if you can spot Mr Lif talking in the crowd!

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