
By Annieone

Late Evening....!!!

Wall-to-Wall sunshine today....and it reached I think 26 deg C at one stage...
What a glorious change...even my honeysuckle is blooming again...!! Having given “up the ghost” during the ‘summer’..
These September Indian Summer days are just wonderful..

I did have a nice weekend..thank you to all for your kind comments....on Saturday night we went to a reunion get together of staff we worked with almost 40 years ago and it was the office where we was so nice to meet with and reconnect with some people we haven’t seen in a very long time....!! Very relaxing..then a nice day Sunday spent with B and S home..!!

And in other exciting news today our offer on the house in Sligo may be possibly accepted..we will know more over the coming days..!! Terrifying and exhilarating all in the one emotion....and soon we will have to make the ACTUAL decision whether we want to move or not...!!

My extra is what I woke up to in the garden on Saturday was the most unusual air and atmosphere and it made all the spider webs visible on my was an awesome sight actually...doesn’t happen very often...and a privilege that Nature allows us to see it occasionally......I love spiders and am fascinated by their webs...pure works of art really...!!

Quotes....2nd..3rd..and 4th..

Life Teaches Us To Be Patient

Worry Causes Wrinkles...!!

Walk The Dog....hahaha Mel approved of this one....!!!!

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