Leaving New Orleans

And although I optimistically had my sunglasses on, the sky was darkening as soon as we left the city; then the rain started. Just a shower or two at first but soon downpours so heavy that the wipers really couldn’t cope with travelling above 30mph. Over the Rigolets bridge it became torrential. We pulled into the bait shop car park awhile hoping it would lessen. Which it eventually did. But by then the Highway ahead was closed and the interstate 10 to our north turned red on Google maps thanks to a couple of accidents. I can't sing the praises of that app enough; it gave me a route northwards over the stationary interstate and eventually wheeled us round to Bay St Louis where it magically stopped the rain and even brought the sun out.
We sat out at the Blind Tiger beside the marina and were serenaded by a yacht rock type soundtrack. I’ve never heard Kokomo sound so good.
So, to Biloxi and we found ourselves over the road from a neat working small craft harbour. And at the foot of the harbour is McElroys Harbor House Seafood Restaurant. Like everything else new, built 25’ up on piles. The original was utterly flattened in Katrina - in all, over fifty people lost their lives in Biloxi. I think we got off pretty lightly with a bit of flooding.
The SK naively asked a couple of questions about the shrimpers and their nets. I think I may know just the place that can provide answers. Tomorrow can’t come soon enough.

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