Cross Orb weaver spider

Spent the morning at Mum's cutting down a lilac tree and replacing it with a Daphne shrub called Perfume Princess. Hard work in the hot sunshine. 
After lunch we came home and I spent another couple of hours weeding, pulling up old plants and generally filling up the green bin to make space to plant out the biennials and perennials from the pots.  A bit easier to work as I was in the shade. Of course it had to be a garden blip today and there are a lot of spiders around at the moment. 
This evening was the first camera club of the season and we had a speaker called Allie Crewe who is a portrait photographer. All very interesting but the comment I heard from many of the members was that she didn't really know much about the technical side of photography. However, I guess this hasn't held her back as she has won Portrait of Britain twice in the past 4 years. 

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