A pile of . . .

A view across the fields to the Howgill Fells on a lovely sunny day. 

But wait . . . what is that pile of . . . could it be concrete . . . what’s going on?

If I mention that I was in Great Musgrave and I was standing on a bridge . . . 

If you haven’t guessed yet, this might help

After the ridiculous filling in of the old railway bridge, National Highways were forced to apply for retrospective planning permission. This was refused and Eden District Council ordered the removal of the concrete. So this is the work taking place (see extra). Impossible to get anywhere near for a decent photo, but it is all a huge mess at the moment. The work is due to be completed by 13 October, and that includes carrying out repairs, which is what they should have done in the first place. (There was no one working there today!)

Second extra - I just had to add this photo we were sent this morning. After several years of three girls at three different schools, at least now two of them will be at the same one. Alice started today in sixth form and this was Ella’s first day at secondary school. 

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