Always something interesting

We were at Farfield Mill with a mission - mission accomplished quickly and then we were off. However I did manage a glimpse at a section that has always fascinated me - 'the terrible knitters of Dent'. They were only known as 'terrible' because of what they expected of the youngsters they taught. They must have been amazing with their incredible dexterity, I remember visiting a little museum in Dent and learning the whole story of these women. 

At Farfield they have some great photos and a few examples of the implements these knitters used - knitting sticks and knitting pads, which served to support the work so they could continue knitting whilst walking around. There is always something interesting to be seen at Farfield, even during a brief visit. 

Afterwards the idea of a sandwich did not appeal so we looked for somewhere in Sedbergh for Sunday Lunch and happened upon The Black Bull - excellent find. We called in at Majestic in Kendal to stock up on wine, we usually have it delivered but sometimes it is nice to actually go and choose and talk to the great guy there. Then ice cream at Orton on the way back. 

Tonight we are watching three episodes of Masterchef. We have taken to watching a week's worth in one go - suits us better than one bit at a time. 

I liked Joe Lycett when he was on the Sewing Bee - I like him even more now!!

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