A beautiful display

We met up with Wanderer13 and J. A lovely two hours of chat and finding about each other. She brought the flowers from her garden.

Earlier I’d had another bash on the Bellart because the news was around that it ‘was fishing well’ even though I knew in my heart of hearts that there is nothing running sea trout like less than falling water and a bright sunny day. They are needless very wary fish and tend to stay tucked under bank and tree until the light fades.

Fishing into the dark is a magical experience as you cast a fly by memory rather than sight. Easy also to think the quiet passing hubbub of the water is other fishers passing close by. Easy also to cast into reeds, willows, hawthorns and any obstacle that stands before or behind. Then that last dying light above the horizon is crucial as clumsy fingers fiddle with tangled lines and leaders. I recall fondly staggering around as but a strip of a lad to collect my father from his beat with him cursing and trying to climb a small tree in the dark to retrieve his blessed gear.

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