In my end is my beginning

Rather facilely I thought the title brought to a neat close our week on Mull as I had blipped a similar photo bear it’s beginning. I had a notion it was TS Eliot and in fact it does end the second - East Coker - of the four parts of the ??? Quartets. But it was much earlier the phrase Mary Queen of Scots embroidered shortly before her execution in the mid 16th century.

It was a stunning day of wonderful sun and dazzling clarity. As we ended the day coming over the rise before the swoop down to the Treshnish turn we could see beyond Coll the long spine of the Outer Hebrides from the southern end of Harris through North and South Uist and maybe Benbecula to Barra (see extra).

From the house we could see north to Rum, Eigg, Muck, Canna and the Black and Red Cuillins of Skye. (Extra)

So wonderful was the clarity of the air that we could also clearly see the sea lane between Coll and Tiree. Through it looked as if you could see to infinity; to the never never space of golden shining sea(extra). In fact there is no land beyond this gap until Newfoundland.

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