There and back again

By Mikes

New Life

It's really wonderful weather here on Dartmoor today and from our morning walk its been so pleasant to be outside. As normal when we start early the moor is so peaceful and where ever we looked there was new life on show, from lambs to ponies and even a buzzard feeding its young on the ground.

The vegetation looks so fresh and green. The trees have now passed that fresh light colour and settled to a darker shade. After yesterdays blip we seem to bump into blue bells where ever we went.

I was spoiled for choice as to what to make my blip today but I ended up with a few foals and their mothers who seemed to be collected together in groups as if it was easier to look after them if they had some one their own age to play with. With children we all know how that feels.

This afternoon we had daughter No3 and her brood call for a while and her husband did some work in the garden for Jane. We were delighted to see little Megan as she had an accident yesterday and ended up in hospital.

All was well but don't they put you through it when they they are that age!

We are now settled on the patio watching swifts swooping over our heads before having a meal and settle down. Hope you have had a great day too.

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