Caught in the act

You may remember the fun and games with the catnip I bought from Elford Walled Garden.

It was in my kitchen for less than 24 hours and Suki had started ripping it to pieces. She sometimes nibbles the odd plant but this was very different.

I rescued the poor little plant and put it outside by the kitchen door.

By the end of that day it had been ripped out of its pot and was again looking rather sorry for itself. I suspected Blue from next door, especially when I saw him return to that very spot……

So the plant was tidied, repotted, and put on the window of the downstairs loo, out of harms way. 

It had got lanky and was beginning to go to seed so this morning I popped it outside the door and went to read my book on the bench, intending to sort it out later.

“Damascus Station” is gripping but gory and I was absorbed, but I did see the poor plant being attacked again (extra).

Blue for certain this time.

I retrieved the poor catnip. It’s now split into two smaller ones and they are back in the loo.

Blue was not pleased and gave me such a look…….

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