Along the green lane

It's been a warm sunny day although when we set out on a morning walk it was still rather cool and cloudy.  We decided to take the new path before you reach White Bridge and walk along it to the river Otter where we crossed Clamour Bridge.  The sun broke through the cloud as we walked along the new path stopping to looking at the changing environmental developments in this area.  See extra for a view from here with walkers visible in the distance walking along the river Otter.

Once we crossed the footbridge over the river we turned inland walking along this delightful tree clad green lane.  We next headed towards the sea and returned home along the coast path with its views across Lyme Bay.  A lovely morning walk.

In the afternoon I made a quick trip into Exmouth for some shopping.  I couldn't resist a quick drive along the seafront and everywhere was looking very summery and full of people enjoying the late summers sunny day.

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