Life through my eyes

By Amanda_T

Good as gold

I had said to Jo that in the autumn I would help her and sort out the front garden for her (I get her weeds and brambles into ours and look out on it from the bedroom window). 

I dug the new border and put the plants in pots into the ground and Jo did the tip runs, then we went to a garden centre for a late lunch. Beau was super good, and even very patient with a very confident 18 month old girl.

I got a few plants and bulbs for both our gardens, popped them in hers, swept her drive and then we walked Beau.

It was a good day, and Jo enjoyed herself too even though she "hates gardening". It was nice to get out for lunch and chose some plants and bulbs for the garden.

I've decided to add some back Blips. I've pondered about it for a while, and decided I will, no need for stars or comments, but so my Blip journal is a public record for the future.

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