Spider Plant Flower

Another day in bed, but things are improving.  My aches have gone, but my headache remains.  It does feel like something has lifted though.  I am totally drained.  As the house was empty, I thought I would go and lie on the sofa for a while around lunchtime, for a change of scene if nothing else.  By the time I got there, I decided to just go back to bed!
Although I have been feeling brighter I was struggling to concentrate enough to read.  I managed about half a short story before giving up.  A couple of friends had recommended Unbelievable on Netflix, so I gave that a go and got hooked.
BB appeared home early, but then headed back to school to go to orchestra practice.  He came home from that, had a quick change and headed back out to rugby training.  Then later he had  football training.  I didn’t see him later, but TT reported that BB was exhausted and his legs were aching!
This is a flower on a spider plant which is on the hall window sill.  

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